My Code WhatsApp’s me when it’s Finished Running.

Sending WhatsApps with Python

Zach Wolpe
2 min readFeb 28, 2023

As a data scientist, I do A LOT of local prototyping before productionising an algorithm. Some of these experiments are large & take a long time to compute.

To avoid the need to constantly check if my code is finished running, I wrote a decorator that can time my code & Whatsapp me when it’s finished executing.


import pywhatkit
import datetime
import time

class TTUL():
"""TTUL: Talk To U Later!"""

def fetch_time(add_secs=0):
_now =
time = _now + datetime.timedelta(days=0, seconds=add_secs)
hours = time.strftime("%H")
mins = time.strftime("%M")
secs = time.strftime("%S")
return int(hours), int(mins), int(secs)

def message_generator(module_name, runtime, *args, **kwargs):
msg ="""\n


module: {}
runtime: {} seconds

Bravo garçon! maintenant de retour au travail!

\n""".format(module_name,runtime, '' if 'notes' not in kwargs else 'notes: ' + kwargs['notes'])
return msg

def send_message(whatsapp_no, msg):
h,m,_ = TTUL.fetch_time(60)

class TTUL_timeit(TTUL):
__whatsapp_no = None

def whatsapp_no(self):
return self.__whatsapp_no

def whatsapp_no(self, no):
# implement safety logic
if no is None:
self.__whatsapp_no = no

def whatsapp_with_timer(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
rt = func(*args, **kwargs)
fin = time.time()
runtime = fin-start
cell_no = TTUL_timeit.__whatsapp_no
msg = TTUL_timeit.message_generator(module_name=func.__name__, runtime=runtime, *args, **kwargs)
TTUL_timeit.send_message(cell_no, msg)
return rt
return wrapper

if __name__=='__main__':

# update number
ttu = TTUL_timeit()
ttu.whatsapp_no = '+27666666666'

def test_function(*args, **kwargs):

test_function(notes='The results are stored in S3/temp.')
Result: A Whatsapp was received with runtime specifications. In this example, I sent the Whatsapp to myself (although it is fully automated and any number can be used).

This decorator can be attached to any python method — providing a Whatsapp notification & runtime details when the module is finished executing.



Zach Wolpe
Zach Wolpe

Written by Zach Wolpe

Machine Learning Engineer. Writing for fun.

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